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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

How About a Little Pick Me Up?

  If I was asked to pick a favorite eye shadow shade - say if I could only bring one shade if I was stranded on a desert island - it would have to be lavender. Any shade - soft and pretty to bright and electric.  For years it has been my color of choice for anyone looking to enhance their eye color in a subtle way.  The beautiful thing about this shade is that it enhances any eye colour - blue, green, brown, or hazel - by creating contrast.  By using makeup to create contrast with the eye color you add definition without having to apply a lot of product.  It makes the look accessible to everyone.  From a sheer wash of colour to a graduation of shades from soft to rich and vibrant  - your skill level and makeup style will play into the choices that you make for this trend which will be prominent  on cosmetic counters this coming  Spring 2011. Now here is my suggestion - don't wait until spring to pick up one of these beautiful shades - the fresh color would be a nice bit of brightness in these deary winter months.  A little colour pick me up, perhaps?

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